Kid’s Life

We seek to bring children into age-appropriate worship where they can connect and belong to the family of God, grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve, and reach the world! I hope to meet you and your family soon! Kelsey, Kid’s Life Director

0-3 years

Our nursery for children ages 0-3 years is a fun, welcoming and secure place where your child will learn two vital truths; that God made them and that He loves them unconditionally!


  • 8:45 - 10:30am at Maltby

  • 10:15 - 12:00am at Monroe

Check-in begins 15 minutes before gatherings. Upon check-in you will be asked for basic information regarding you and your child. Should your child need you or require a diaper change you will receive a text.


3-5 years

Our preschool kid's church is an interactive class that caters to the active lifestyle of preschoolers. Children rotate between four discovery centers each week; Make-It, Play-It, Snack-It and Learn-It. Discovery centers provide hands-on experience that connect kids through a variety of learning styles. This means every child has an opportunity to learn about God's truths.

Sunday Preschool Church

  • Maltby at 9:00am

  • Monroe at 10:30am

Wednesday Small Groups

  • Maltby at 7pm


K-5th Grade

Kid's life is an action packed worship gathering geared specifically to children in their elementary years. Your kids will enjoy a time of corporate worship in music, games, and activities as they study God's truths and find out how they can live an exciting life for Him.

Sunday Kid’s Church

  • Maltby at 9:00am

  • Monroe at 10:30am

Wednesday Small Groups

  • Maltby at 7pm


Kid’s Life Groups

At Kid’s Life Groups, we dig deeper into God's Word and learn about the limitless love that He offers! Families can register onsite at their first visit or you can pre-register below ahead of time. Nursery care is available for 0-3 years. Preschool and Elementary Growth Groups are for kiddos 3 years old through 6th grade.


Pre-Registration for Groups



Child Dedications

Child dedications are a special time in the life of the church family. The dedication of a child, is in reality, the act of parents/guardians dedicating themselves, with God's help, to bring up a child in the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. In presenting a child for Christian dedication, they signify their faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, the leadership of their lives, and their intent to nurture their child in the Christian faith.

To learn more about child dedications and to submit a request for a child dedication click here.